Video & Sound Production: Exercises

21/4/2024 - 21/6/2024
Ameera Rihana binti Remy Ansara
VSP / Bachelor of (hons) in Creative Media



Week 1: Module Briefing & Exercise
At the beginning of the week, there was a small brief about what are the things that we should expect in this module and a few small exercises that we need to complete.

Fig 0.01 Module Briefing Week 1, (21/4/2024)

1. Video editing exercise 

a) Mint Video Edit (Part 1)


Video editing process:

Fig. 0.02 mint footage, (21/04/2024)

Fig.0.03  Arranging Video Clips, (21/04/2024)

Using these footage given by our lecturer, we were assigned to align, arrange and connect these footage into one video.

Final edit:

Fig.0.04 Final Video Edit Part 1, (21/04/2024)

b) Doritos Video Edit (part 2)

Video editing process:

Fig.0.05 Doritos footage, (21/04/2024)

With a second attempt, these footage were randomly arranged in numbers and therefore we were tasked to place them in the right order to make a complete video. It gives us a little challenge to put these footage into the correct sequence.

Final Video:

Fig.0.06 Final Video edit Part 2 , (21/02/2024)

2) Favorite Stop Motion Video
At the same time, we were informed to find our three favorite stop motion films as our initial inspirations for the final task of this module.

Fig.0.07 Corpse Bride, (21/02/2024)

Fig.0.07 Frankenweenie, 

Fig.0.08 Genshin Impact: Traveler's Adventure in Wonderland, (21/02/2024)


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