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Advanced Typography - Task 2 (Key artwork & Collateral)

15/5/2024 - 29/5/2024 Ameera Rihana binti Remy Ansara Advanced Typography / Bachelor of (hons) in Creative Media Task 2 - Key artwork & Collateral LECTURES Lecture: Refer to Task 1 INSTRUCTIONS Task 2A: Designing Key Artwork Recap Create a cool and memorable logo using your name. Play around with different styles and layouts until you find something that looks balanced and elegant. The final design should be simple, clear, and easy to understand.     a) Experiment with Styles: Try different fonts, sizes, and arrangements of your name. Mix and match to see what looks best.     b) Focus on Balance: Ensure the design feels balanced and looks good as a whole. Avoid making it too complicated or confusing.     c) Final Design: Your final logo should be elegant, functional, and communicative. It will be used in future projects, so make it something memorable and exciting. __ 1. Ideation & Sketches a) Mind map & Exploration Fig 0.01 Mind map "Sheero", Week 5 (21/5/2024)

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