Design Principle/ Project 1
Design Principle: Project 1 - Self Portrait
Ameera Rihana 0352511
Recap of Project 1
Self- portrait
- A self-representation in the form of a drawing/ painting/ sculpture design. It is a visual depiction of the self.
- A self portrait artwork represent the designer/artist in which how they see themselves, how they feel and how they see themselves. It is an exercise of self-exploration thus it is not about creating a realistic image of yourself.
Fig. 0.01 Open the eye, 2018
Fig. 0.02 Charleston Artist, Bri Wenke
Fig 0.03 The Scream, Edvard Munch
Mind map
- A mind map is a diagram in which ideas or information is represented visually, usually with a central idea placed in the middle and associated ideas arranged around it.
Based on my previous experience, I have created a few mind maps from my previous semesters. A lot of thinking and drawing was required but it was fun to explore the ideas I found based on the prompt that was given.
- A mind map is a diagram in which ideas or information is represented visually, usually with a central idea placed in the middle and associated ideas arranged around it.
Based on my previous experience, I have created a few mind maps from my previous semesters. A lot of thinking and drawing was required but it was fun to explore the ideas I found based on the prompt that was given.
Fig. 1.0 mind map 'Something Black'
Fig. 1.1 mind map 'Something Bright'
Fig. 1.2 mind map 'Something peculiar'
Fig 1.3 final mind map 'About myself '
Fig. 2.1 水たまり
Fig. 3.1 Sketch 1
For this sketch, I am expressing this drawing by what I like to eat. I decided to choose my favorite desserts. I created a big mouth to show the girl inhaling the desserts like a vacuum.
Fig. 3.2 Sketch 2
For this sketch, I decided to go a little bit of emphasis by drawing a heart balloon flying away from the other balloons. I wanted to explore a little part of my emotion that I feel once in a while.
Final Design
Fig. 4.1 self-portrait 'Something Sweet'
For my self-portrait, I wanted to imagine myself consuming all of my favorite desserts like a vacuum. I always tend to have an extra stomach for desserts in every meal. Therefore, I tried to create something fun by adding bright colors and showing fun composition to my design. In addition, I decided to emphasis more on movement as my design principle for this project. I think it is pretty awesome to eat food continuously without feeling full. This piece of artwork resembles me quite well and thus I had an enjoyable experience. I am sweet, I like sweets and therefore I called it 'Something Sweet'.
Week 5: No class
Week 6: I did not have a lot of progress in this week. However, I was informed by my lecturer to create a mind map about myself and create a sketch for my progress and finalized my ideas.
Week 7: For my first sketch, I was told that my first sketch has a good composition and it has a lot of expression to it. The way I drew was exaggerating and it brought a lot of movement to it. For my second attempt, the composition was not entirely accurate and it felt something was missing in the second sketch. My lecturer agreed with me that my first sketch was more exciting than my second sketch. I was also told that mind maps can also be a form of art.
ReflectionWeek 7: For my first sketch, I was told that my first sketch has a good composition and it has a lot of expression to it. The way I drew was exaggerating and it brought a lot of movement to it. For my second attempt, the composition was not entirely accurate and it felt something was missing in the second sketch. My lecturer agreed with me that my first sketch was more exciting than my second sketch. I was also told that mind maps can also be a form of art.
Overall I think this was one of my favorite assignment that I had ever done. It gave me the freedom to truly express myself in different ways. I managed to come up with different ideas on how I want to interpret this through my artwork but there were too many to choose from. I think this assignment can be therapeutic as I was be able to reflect upon myself and think about the certain qualities of what I had. In the end, I decided to go for something fun and cheerful because I believe that this is a good way to end the assignment. I wanted to share my preference about what kind of food I like to eat and decided to go for a fun concept.
In this process, I was able to explore deeper into design principles which gave me more chances to further improve myself in using them at its best potential. Mind mapping was a fun beginning to this assignment and I hope I am able to use them again in the future. It gave me great opportunities to think creatively and helped me to make new connections between ideas. On another note, the classes are still fun and it was exciting to listen and observe other students' self portrait. It was really interesting to listen to their stories and how they are able to combine their ideas with the design principles. I believe that this assignment could also be a form of communication with others.
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