Information Design - Project 1

6/2/2024 - 26/3/2024
Ameera Rihana binti Remy Ansara
Information Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media


An infographic poster for ONE recipe selected from Pasta Grannies. Study one video, break down, and chunk the preparation and cooking process into an instructable poster. Try to capture each Grandma’s personality and unique dish identity in your poster as part of the narrative structure.

These infographics present complex information quickly and clearly, with symbols charts, and diagrams. With an information graphic, computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians develop and communicate concepts using a single symbol to process information. 

Your job is to transmit a set of instructions and at the same time educate the audience. Infographics should be fun, it should simplify the context while representing information graphically. 

Because “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Yours should reflect the following: 

  • To transmit or communicate a message. 
  • To present large amounts of information in a compact and easy-to-understand way. 
  • To reveal the data. Discovering cause-effect relations, knowing what’s happening. 
  • To periodically monitor the evolution of certain parameters. 

You will develop an infographic to communicate a concept, topic, or idea - IN THIS CASE A COMPLETE SET INSTRUCTION TO A RECIPE. 
The infographic should take viewers visually through the information you want them to learn or know. Based on your infographic the audience should be able to learn through viewing and interpreting the various graphical information and text. 

You will be required to evaluate what parts of the topic, concept, or idea are most important to tell/demonstrate and ask how you would represent each piece of information best. You will also decide how to graphically represent the most salient facts about your topic, concept, or idea for student learning. This includes the finishing outcome which could be a slick animation or even a rough stop motion. 

Theoretical (Information Design Framework) 

  • Information type 
  • Device 
  • Principles (LATCH etc) 
  • Aesthetics i.e: isometric, simplified illustrations

Requirement: You will need to reflect the following (assessment criteria): 
Practical - photo editing/illustration software

  • Graphs, charts, and diagrams
  • Poster size: 1240 × 1750 pixels or 2048 × 2048 pixels


Project 1: Instructable Infopgrahic Poster

Requirement: You will need to reflect the following (assessment criteria): 
Practical - photo editing/illustration software

  • Graphs, charts, and diagrams
  • Poster size: 1240 × 1750 pixels or 2048 × 2048 pixels

1) Data Progression:

Data planning:
Before we started illustrating our infographic poster, we must chose our favorite Italian recipe from our delighted grannies from the infamous channel "Pasta Grannies" from YouTube. My chosen recipe will be a Ligurian Cheesy Rice Pie.

Fig 2.0 Pasta Grannie: Ligurian Cheesy Rice Pie

Once we have picked our own recipe, we proceeded on listing and simplifying the data by watching the video in order to be our main source of information in the infographic poster.
I had listed a couple of steps of making the pie and the ingredients that are needed.

Fig 2.1 Pie Data Gathering

Visual Reference:

Fig 2.2 Inspo Board

Fig 2.3 Mood Board

Tutorial Videos:
I have also watched a couple of guides and tutorials to assist me in making the poster.

Fig 2.4 Making Iso Grid Pattern

Fig 2.5 Applying mask and texture

Once I have gathered my research, I proceeded with my sketches.

Fig 2.6 Infographic Sketches

Among these sketches, my head was leaning more towards idea #3 or idea #4 because they both have the same concept but executed differently. Therefore, I decided to take a bit of inspiration between the two.

2) Digital Process

a) Grid Layout:
For this digital process, I decided to create a simple isometric grid based on the tutorial video. I decided to take a different approach to start my isometric illustration.

Fig 2.7 Isometric Grid

To make this happen, I created a hexagon shape using a polygon tool, then proceeded to make a pattern based on the diagram.

b) Color palette:

Fig 2.8 Color exploration

With the help of Color Hunt, I explored different shades of colors in order to help me visualize what sort of theme I would want to go for.

c) Isometric Illustration:
As usual, I started digitalizing the isometric elements that I needed based on the recipe given.

Fig 2.9 Kitchen Utensils and Food

Fig 2.10 Chosen Color Background

Fig 2.11 Labelling Ingredients

Fig 2.12 Completed Labelling Recipe

Once I finished labelling the information, I decided to proceed my digitization on the title. This was my first attempt of simply putting fonts as my main title due to lack of brain skill.

Fig 2.13 First attempted Title

To tackle this problem, I decided to borrow a template that can be editable. For the title theme, I headed for a vintage theme.

Fig 2.14 Borrowed Title Template

Even so, I mixed some inspirational ideas together with the template to design the title of this poster.

Fig 2.15 Final Title Design

For the final step, I decided to change the texture of the background into something rough. I downloaded a few textures and applied the masking technique. I decided to tone down the texture by reducing the opacity.

Fig 2.16 Masking and Texture

3) Final Outcome (Instructable Infographic Poster)

For the resolution size, I decided to use 2048 x 2048 pixels. Before the completed poster, I made some final adjustments by adding the quantity of each ingredients.

Fig 2.17 Final Instructable Infographic Poster JPEG

Fig 2.18 Final Instructable Infographic Poster PDF


Week 3:
General Feedback: 
Mr Shamsul suggested we should utilise the tab option on Adobe Illustrator for a more concise arrangement of the layouts. Alt + arrow for text alignment, change preferences to 5 in settings. Make sure there is a high contrast between the colour of the background with the text boxes. Keep the design simple. 
Specific Feedback: The idea of the sketch #3 looks interesting. Maybe you could add some aesthetic Italian features when it comes to digitalizing.


Experience: Overall, this project brings joyful and difficult moments. By creating a new grid for myself, it was a meaningful process but also brings confusion. Throughout my illustrations, I had some pepega moments to keep their 3D form in the same angle as I tried to follow the grids. It had a few awkward angles which forced me to restart again.

It brought me to attention the making of a complex infographic behind the scene is not a walk in the park. It requires extensive research and thorough thinking to make it work. However, it was fun to learn how every information can transform into a version of storytelling. As people said, we learn better when it comes to visualizing.

As you design the infographic poster, you can observe how different visual elements, such as colors, fonts, and layout, impact audience engagement. This includes noting which aspects of the infographic attract attention and effectively convey the intended message.
It's crucial to consider the implications of the findings in order to understand their potential consequences and significance. This understanding is essential for informing decision-making or guiding future actions. For example, when creating an infographic, it's important to check the accuracy of the recipes to ensure that the steps are in the correct order and that key information is included. By doing so, you can ensure that the infographic effectively communicates the intended message and provides valuable insights to the audience.


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